Friday, 4 November 2011

They Also Serve...

...who only stand and wait. So said John Milton - and who knew he'd done so much AV scripting? Yes, it's been a while since I posted here but then not a lot has been going on save for the occasional gnawing of fingernails. I mean, I've not starved, but I've certainly dieted. Also, I kind of... you know... forgot to post. Sorry.

Now, however, there is writing happening. There are AVs for two or possibly three museums, an animation bible and pilot script, theoretically six episodes as a production writer on another animation and interesting possibilities with (adopts echoing Kenny Everett delivery) The B...B...C...

And yet still the order of the day seems to be 'hurry up and wait'. Wait for contracts, wait for briefings, wait for payments (yes, that again) and wait, above all, for bloody ages.

Spoke too soon! Even as I type this, my Mac has pinged its e-mail ping and I see that a briefing has arrived. It may be helpful, it may be feeble, it may be gibberish. But you know what it definitely is? It's work. Farewell depression, auf wiedersehen idleness, adieu online crosswords - and hello a return to being a productive member of society.

Now, when some advertising work comes in, we'll know the recession is over. Which reminds me - I must send my book (portfolio, to you non-advertising types) to the woman who runs the cattery we use, since it turns out she also runs a small marketing agency. It'd be great to get some work off her, as it's likely to be the only way we can continue to pay her cattery fees. I mean, £135 for a week for two cats? Puh-lease...

Oh God. There goes the phone. It's another museum client. I'm starting to miss underemployment already. Must dash...

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