Thursday, 17 November 2011

Shall Ye Touch Pitch And Be Not Defilèd?

Before I start, please note that I got the slanty thing over the "e" right.

Pitching! Yes, next Friday the Wordmonger is off to Lunnon Town to pitch a museum  script in person, doing all the things the actors will have to do and performing to an audience of clients and designers and producers and aaaaaagggggghhhh.

I'm nervous as hell.

And yet I rather like to be involved in the pitch process - certainly the actual pitch meeting, although I almost never am. It's a chance to look the client in the eye without the intermediation of the production company. That way, you get the straight feedback you need to improve the work, not the edited highlights plus whatever biases the producers and designers bring with them.

I am, however, slightly unnerved on these occasions by something my father once said to me. "The thing is, Wordmonger Junior," he said, "you're like a lot of people; you want to be a performer but you're afraid to perform." and he was right. I know that this is going to be the best way to sell my idea - and I know that nobody else can do it for me.

But I am, as I may have mentioned, nervous as hell.

The answer may be gin. Actually - the answer is always gin. I may need to start asking different questions...

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