Friday, 11 March 2011

It begins...


I'm a writer. Not a would-be writer, an actual one, actually getting paid (late) for writing all kinds of things, from recruitment ads to museum audiovisuals to - oh please, let it happen again soon - TV scripts. I also do the occasional voice-over.

But I'm not touting for work.

Not here, anyway. I've got a real website with my real name on it for that.

You see, writing is the kind of job that ends up sending you to the therapist. You work with other highly unbalanced types like advertising execs and actors, and since insanity is catching.... Unfortunately, only Russell T. Davies and Stephen King can actually afford therapists on a writer's earnings.

So on this blog, I'm going to ramble on about my professional life, my likes and dislikes, the various loons I work with and for and, on bad days, why I wish I'd listened to my mother and been a lawyer instead. That way, I get to share and rant about my feelings, but gets to pay for it. Trust me, that's as close as most writers will ever get to seeing a BUPA shrink.

I shall try not to be self-indulgent. I shall try to avoid believing that my opinions actually matter. Above all, I shall try not to get sued for libel. This last I shall achieve by anonymising the heroes (yes, there are some) and villains of my professional life through the cunning use of sobriquets - so don't expect to see any names you, or your lawyer, will recognise.

I hope you enjoy reading it. I hope you comment on it. I hope you click on the ads and earn me shiny copper pennies. I'm a writer. I need 'em.

And so...onward!

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